Rozanne Gold, a pioneer in the food world, is an award-winning chef, author, journalist, and philanthropist known for her storied career. At 24, she was first chef to New York Mayor Ed Koch, and became consulting chef to the legendary Rainbow Room and Windows on the World. A four-time recipient of the prestigious James Beard Award, Ms. Gold is the author of thirteen acclaimed cookbooks, 600 articles about food and cooking, and was the entertaining columnist for Bon Appetit for five years. She has written and produced stories for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Gourmet Magazine, and Huffington Post, among others. A graduate of Tufts University with an MFA in poetry from the New School, she is a Board Director of Brooklyn Poets, and a finalist for the 2020 Sappho Poetry Prize.   

    As Chef-Director of the renowned consulting group Baum & Whiteman, Ms. Gold has anticipated, and advocated for, culinary change and has created many of the industry’s most enduring trends, from “culinary minimalism” to “cocktails and little meals”. She has cooked for President Carter, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Brigadier General Wilma Vaught, supervised dinner for 5000 for the Women in Military Service for America War Memorial, and was one of “Four Women Chefs for Peace” on a mission to Israel. After Hurricane Sandy, Ms. Gold established a pop-up kitchen in Brooklyn delivering 185,000 meals for those-in-need, and after Hurricane Maria helped rebuild the Zen Monastery in Puerto Rico. When Gourmet magazine closed its doors, Ms. Gold purchased their library and donated it to New York University.

     An impassioned end-of-life doula, Ms. Gold is a former Trustee of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, and founder of the “Death & Living Project." A finalist for the 2020 Sappho Poetry Prize (judge: Victoria Chang), she is the author of Mother Sauce, a poetry collection published by Dancing Girl Press in 2022.  Currently a psychoanalyst-in-training at the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, she is the host and curator of a new series about food and culture at the Museum at Eldridge Street (2023-2024).