From July 11th to July 17th, 2011
Amazing fresh chickpeas at Union Square Market from the Bodhitree Organic farm (located 20 minutes south of Trenton). Boiled in their pods they taste somewhere between fresh peas and edamame. They are even interesting raw. But we loved them best tossed with olive oil and a bit of garlic and "grilled" in a searing hot pan until slightly charred, then sprinkled with salt. You suck them from their pods and then lick your fingers.
A pile of super-fresh peaches with thick yogurt and Rota organic honey from New Zealand. A handful of fresh raspberries on top. The honey is made from "the brilliant red flowering Rota trees" that flower every 3 or 4 years. It is a highly prized white honey that is considered one of the world's best.
A slice of my Venetian Wine Cake made with olive oil, red wine, rosemary and lemon. Am thinking about bringing it back on the market in the fall!
The best soft-serve ice cream at the Margate Dairy Bar in Margate, New Jersey. Its chocolatey-ness came through the the black and white swirl like a blast from the past. Ultra-creamy texture. Also enjoyed the orange and vanilla swirl (like a Creamsicle) on a cone.
A fun "cheese steak pizza" at Cavallino Nero in Mays Landing, New Jersey. Sat outside in the front garden entwined with grape vines, feeling like we were somewhere in an obscure town in Italy. (Where we will be next week!)
Fabulous cheeses from Cato Corner Farm located in the Union Square Market. I especially adored the Black Ledge Blue and a very cheddary cheese called Bloomsday. They name their cows and also their cheeses with great charm: Dairyere, Drunk Monk, and Wise Womenchego. The amazing Dale Bellisfield, holistic medical practitioner, clinical herbalist and NJ bee keeper, turned me on to them.
Imported taralli, roasted almonds and white wine at Arthur Schwartz's house.
Lovely breakfast in Iva's garden (a friend in the neighborhood) sitting amongst fig trees and hanging clusters of green grapes. Fig trees! Who knew? Great coffee and toasted slices of Amy's fennel-golden raisin rolls.
My daughter's homemade chocolate chip cookies. Hers are much better than mine!
A large, lush, fleshy purple fig.