Reinventing Radical


There I was, giving a cooking demonstration in New York City’s vibrant Union Square Market, when I ran out of food. The line for “free tastes” was growing ominously that sultry summer afternoon. What to do? I begged a farmer for a bushel of overripe heirloom tomatoes and started pureeing the heck out of them in a blender that teetered atop a rickety melon crate. In minutes, the natural pectin bound the tomatoes into a mousse-y froth worthy of a snapshot in Molecular Gastronomy Digest. A touch of fleur de sel made the flavor soar. Everyone wanted a taste of “Pink Tomato Frappe.”

When it comes to cooking, less indeed is more. I have found that three ingredients of uncompromising quality often are all you need to create dishes that taste more delicious than the sum of their parts. Everyone wants recipes that work, but the outcome of cooking depends mightily on the ingredients you choose. Good ingredients are essential to simple cooking because when you cook with just three, there’s nothing masking inferior quality. Three ingredients mean less shopping, less preparation, and less clean-up, too. Keeping it simple means you can intensely focus on your relationship with each ingredient, which in today’s parlance means cooking “mindfully.” Your kitchen becomes a more welcoming place. It’s magical watching a chocolate cake evolve from a trio of eggs, chocolate, and butter; or an entire meal blossom from just twelve ingredients. So commit to buying the freshest vegetables, herbs, and fruits—preferably in season—from a farmer’s market or top-quality supermarket. Although we pretend to escape dependency on the seasonal cycles of nature, we delude ourselves. Raspberries shipped from Chile in sealed gas containers in December, broccoli harvested before a frost, tomatoes plucked green and trucked two thousand miles— all are dilute imitations of the real thing that seduce our appetites but corrupt our tastes. My radically streamlined approach to cooking – the antithesis of “molecular” – exploits the qualities of fresh ingredients with a highly original approach that has unknowingly influenced some of the world’s best chefs. Like the minimalist movement in art, which reacted to the excesses of abstract expressionism, many contemporary chefs are exploring a radicalized mode of cooking. Laurent Gras made headlines at the Waldorf by cooking with only two ingredients. Daniel Boulud, said “Cooking with three ingredients is the way a chef really wants to cook at home.” Boston’s Lydia Shire once said “some of the world’s best dishes have no more than three ingredients.” Charlie Trotter made his opulent scramble with only three ingredients — organic eggs, crème fraiche, and butter. And the late Joel Robuchon not long ago proclaimed, “We’re aiming for simplicity. We’ve moved towards a cuisine where the original flavor of the natural product is a recipe’s most important element.”

But celebrating the inherent qualities of today’s superlative ingredients is by no means new. “Let a cabbage soup be entirely cabbage…and may what I say about soup be a law applied to everything that is eaten,” said Nicholas de Bonnefons, a valet in the court of Louis XIV. Likewise, Curnonsky, known as the prince of gastronomes, surmised that “cuisine is when things taste like themselves.”

I couldn’t agree more.


Pink Tomato Frappe

Nothing expresses the idea of summer better than this one-ingredient recipe. Each pound of tomatoes makes 2 cups of soup. Bonus: After a few minutes, the pectin in the tomatoes firms it up, making a kind of mousse.

3 pounds very ripe red tomatoes
Fleur de sel or Maldon salt

Wash and core the tomatoes. Cut in half through the equator and squeeze out the seeds. Cut half the tomatoes into chunks and put in a blender. Process until completely smooth and foamy. Transfer to a bowl. Repeat with the remaining tomatoes. Add fleur de sel to taste. Sprinkle more on top before serving. Serves 6

Hanukkah 1-2-3

In 1999, Gourmet Magazine featured my "1-2-3 Hanukkah" as one of their cover stories.  The Miracles of Hanukkah (as the article was called), not only commemorated the Maccabees' victory in battle but the miracle that happened when the temple was rededicated. Miraculously, barely a day's worth of oil for the menorah lasted for eight.  The story's author, Ann Hodgman, went on to say..."Here in Rozanne Gold's kitchen 2,200 years later, a whole series of smaller  miracles is taking place as she prepares a Hanukkah dinner for family and friends. Miracle #1: Every offering on the menu has only three ingredients.  Miracle #2:  Each dish is as intensely flavored, exotic, and elegant as if it had a thousand.  Miracle #3: Our setting, a perfect jewel box of a Brooklyn brownstone, with treasures everywhere you look and a kitchen masterminded by James Beard."  I remember the chaos in the house at the time.  My mother had grated a bit of her knuckle along with the par-boiled potatoes, my father had trouble standing for a photo shoot which he claimed felt like eight days itself; the phone was ringing every three seconds, guests were coming in minutes (including food critic Arthur Schwartz) and I was doing my best to keep my composure. It worked.  At one point in the article, Ann wrote "For all her slender elegance, Gold is a woman who knows how to boss food around." This Hanukkah menu featured Seared Smoked Salmon with Cucumber Presse, Rib-eye Roast in the style of Gravlax, The Gold Family Latkes*, Apple-Cranberry Sauce*, Sweet-Garlic Frenched Green Beans and for dessert, Chocolate Mousse Sponge, Baked Sabra Oranges with Orange Sorbet, and Chocolate Sesame Cups.  And yes, every recipe was made with only three ingredients!

Since tonight is the first night of Hanukkah, let's focus on my nontraditional method for making latkes.  Instead of cooking them one-by-one in lots and lots of oil, I make two large shredded potato pancakes (roesti-style) and serve them in small wedges.  Parboiling the potatoes helps them stick together and results in a creamy interior texture.  B'tayavon (bon appetit in Hebrew.)

The Gold Family Latkes 2 pounds large boiling potatoes 3 tablespoons coarsely grated onion 1/4 cup olive oil

Cook potatoes in salted water to cover until barely tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.  Rinse under cold water and let cool.  Peel with a sharp knife.  Coarsely shred potatoes lengthwise (long strands help them hold together) into a bowl using the large holes of a box grater.  Stir in the onion, 1 teaspoon kosher salt, and white pepper to taste. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a 10-inch nonstick skillet until hot, then add half of the potatoes, spreading with a spatula to form an even cake.  Cook until underside is golden brown, 10 to 12 minutes.  Invert a large plate over skillet and invert latke onto plate.  Add 1 tablespoon oil to the skillet and slide latke back in.  Cook until underside is golden and crispy, 10 to 12 minutes.  Slide onto serving plate and keep warm.  Repeat with remaining potatoes.  Cut into wedges and serve with apple-cranberry sauce. Serves 6

Apple-Cranberry Sauce 3 large Granny Smith apples, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces 1 cup cranberries 7 tablespoons sugar

Put ingredients in a 3-quart saucepan.  Add 1 cup water and a pinch of salt. Cook, covered, over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, 20 minutes.  Mash until desired consistency.  Let cool to room temperature or serve chilled.  This keeps covered and chilled for 1 week.  Makes 3 cups

(Click here to watch me make these on The Today Show)

Happy Hanukkah!

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